Awards, Blogger Awards

One Lovely Blog Award

My heartiest greeting to you!! 
A few days ago I have been nominated for this “One Lovely Blog” award, by Kranti from SparkklingThoughts. Her blog is full of positivity and love, if you haven’t visited her yet, please do visit and feel the love. Below is my open letter for Kranti!Image result for one lovely blog award

Hey Kranti,

How are you dear?

Please accept my gratitude for nomination for this award

“One Lovely Blog Award.”  Your blog Sparkklingthoughts indeed is one of the lovely blogs itself.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading your seven points about yourself. Actually, I resonate you. I could relate to them as those were so familiar to me, in my seven points I am going to try extension to those. You are writing really good posts definitely, I enjoyed reading them. I wish you great success, love, and reasons to smile always! I Thank you so much for all your support and love dear!!

Keep Smiling Keep Sparkling!!

Your’s fellow blogger,



  • Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
  • Share seven things about yourself.
  • Nominate 7 other bloggers and inform them.

Seven things about me

Here I am presenting seven facts about myself.

  • I believe in simple living, a typical art lover.
  • I am a good listener,  I speak only after listening someone, and I say what I have to.
  • I really go by my gut feelings at times, I listen to my innermost voice as well 🙂
  • My day starts with my cup of tea (not a bed tea though).
  • I have glasses and I avoid them, and without them, my eyes hurt and I misspell sometimes.
  • Trees are my attraction, I adore them, for every reason and season.
  • A very few times I use my mobile phone for talking and not at all for blogging, I use it as my camera only, where and when I cannot carry my camera.

Here goes my nominations:

  1. – Loved your six-word stories
  2. -Love your art
  3. -Love your Poetry
  4. -Love your creativity with Pen and pencil
  5. -Love the way you write
  6. -Love to you, Somehow I could hear your dil ki awaaz 🙂
  7. -Love your photos

With a positive thought for the day:

You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming.

-Pablo Neruda

Spread Love, Spread Smiles!!:)

8 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award”

  1. So sweet of you! Thank you for being so thoughtful. I appreciate your kind words! You expressed your feelings in such a heartfelt and beautiful way that I have no words. Thank you so much for your love and wishes.
    I am trying to spark a little inspiration through this platform but thanks goes to you and all fellow bloggers who are reading these blogs, continuously supporting me and sending me their love wrapped in their comments and likes.
    You are indeed a creative and lovely blogger who genuinely deserve this Award. Btw my day starts with bed tea 😜😀. Honestly enjoyed reading about you! Sending you loads of love, wishes, and happiness! 💖💖

    Liked by 1 person

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